Bulk Leave Entry
The Bulk Leave Entry screen is a convenient tool that allows you to record Leave for multiple employees simultaneously using Excel. This saves time and speeds up the data entry process.
Steps for Bulk Leave Entry
Follow the steps below to perform Bulk Leave Entry.
- Download Blank Leave Template:
- Go to the Data Transfers > Leave Entries page.
- Click the Download Blank Leave Template File button.
- The Excel file will be downloaded to your computer.
- Fill in Leave Information:
- Open the downloaded Excel file.
- Starting from the first empty row, enter the data for each employee to be recorded for Leave, considering the following warnings.
- Leave Information must be filled according to the column headers in the template.
- Employee Code must match the system records.
- Employee Codes and information will be found on the "Employee List" sheet in the template Excel file. You can copy the Employee Codes from here.
- For Leave Type, enter the relevant numbers indicated on the "Leave Type" sheet in Excel.
- Start Date should be in the format "Day.Month.Year". Example: 01.04.2024
- Duration should be entered as a number.
- Fill in the Description field.
- For the Status No field:
- Enter "1" for Approved
- Enter "2" for Pending Approval
- Enter "0" for Rejected
- For records marked as rejected with Status No "0", the Reason for Rejection field is mandatory.
- Save the Excel file after filling in the leave data.
- Start Bulk Registration Process:
- Return to the Bulk Leave Entry page.
- Click the Select File field.
- Select the filled Excel file and click the Open button.
- Click the Upload Filled Leave Template File button.
- Click the Start Bulk Leave Transfer button.
- Check Process Result:
- When the process is complete, an information window containing the process result and summary will open.
- Process Result:
- If all rows are recorded, it will say "Successful".
- If there are erroneous rows, it will give a "Error!" warning.
- Error-free records will be saved. No further action is required.
- Bulk Process Summary:
- Total Rows: Total number of rows uploaded in the template.
- Successful Transactions: Number of rows successfully recorded.
- Erroneous Transactions: Number of erroneous rows not recorded.
- Process Result:
- Rows with incorrect formatting or missing mandatory information will not be processed.
- When the process is complete, an information window containing the process result and summary will open.
- Correct Erroneous Rows:
- If there are erroneous rows, they will be returned as an Excel file.
- Click the Download Excel File button to download and open the file containing only the erroneous rows.
- The reason for the error will be written at the end of each row.
- Correct the errors and save the Excel file.
- Start the Bulk Registration Process for the saved file.
You can check the successfully recorded Leave entries on the Requests > Leave Requests screen.