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Message Archive

The Message Archive screen is used to view and manage all notifications and messages sent through the system. Through this screen, users can check the details of all communication and notification operations conducted through various channels.

The Message Archive contains records of the following notifications and messages:

  • All messages sent via the Send Message screen
  • Sent Scheduled Messages
  • All notifications sent via mobile or web application
    • Shift Start Alert Notifications
    • Shift End Alert Notifications
    • Advance Request / Approval Notifications
    • Leave Request / Approval Notifications
    • Hourly Leave Request / Approval Notifications
    • Survey Notifications
For notification settings, see: Company Information > Notifications

Message Archive Screen

  • Channel Tabs:

    • Web, Mobile Application, Email, SMS: These tabs are used to select which channel's messages will be displayed.
  • Filtering Options:

    • Date Range: Allows filtering messages by weekly, monthly, yearly, or a specific date range.
    • Search in List: Allows filtering in any field of the listed table based on a specific keyword.
  • Refresh Button: This button updates the list to show the latest status.

  • + Add New Record: Used to send a new message.

  • List of Messages:

    • Personnel: The name of the personnel who received the message.
    • Channel: Indicates through which channel the message was sent.
    • Title: The title of the message.
    • Message Content: A brief content of the message.
    • Status: The reading status of the message (Unread/Read).
    • Operator: The name of the user who sent the message.
    • Operation Date: The date and time the operation was performed.
    • Actions: The button used to view detailed information about the message.
  • The Message Archive interface allows users to check the status of messages; thereby, they can easily see whether the messages have been read or not through this screen.

  • By clicking the eye icon next to each message, users can access the details of the message, allowing them to view the message content in detail.

  • Additionally, with the search and filtering features available in the interface, users can search and filter messages based on specific criteria. These features help users find the messages they are looking for more quickly and efficiently.