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CV List

CV List and CV Information Management

The CV List and CV Information Management module enables companies to effectively manage job candidates' CV information. This module provides a comprehensive database from personal information to education histories, job experiences, skills, and hobbies of candidates.


  1. CV List:
CV List
  • Includes candidates' names, genders, titles, application dates, birth dates, birthplaces, phone numbers, email addresses, and other details.
  • Offers options for adding new records, updating records, deleting records, and exporting to Excel.
  1. CV Information:
CV List
  • Personal Information: Name, surname, gender, birth date and place, phone number, email address, and address details.
  • Education Information: Ability to record and update the candidate's education history.
  • Job Experiences: Ability to record and update the candidate's previous job experiences.
  • Course and Certification Information: Ability to add and update information about courses and certifications obtained by the candidate.
  • Foreign Language Skills: Languages known by the candidate and their proficiency levels.
  • References: Ability to add and update references provided by the candidate.
  • Skills: Ability to add and update the candidate's skills and their proficiency levels.
  • Hobbies: Ability to add and update the candidate's hobbies and their skill levels.
  • Other Information: Space for additional information about the candidate.


  1. Adding a Record:
CV List
  • Click the + Add New Record button on the CV List page to open the New Record form, fill in all necessary information, and click Save to complete the record.
  1. Updating a Record:
  • Click the Edit button at the end of the record row to be updated, make the necessary changes, and click Save to update.
  1. Deleting a Record:
  • Click the Delete button at the end of the record row to be deleted, and the selected record will be permanently removed from the system.

The CV List and CV Information Management module simplifies managing all candidate information from one place. Details such as skills, education histories, and job experiences can be recorded and updated in detail. Additionally, options like exporting data to Excel are provided for bulk management of information within the system.